Reflection on the First Term of 260MC

During the first term we had a lot of great experience in different directions ( the experience was a must, however, but that doesn’t change a fact that it was very useful and important for us).I had many different tasks, but I will represent only four, which are, in my opinion, most valuable and interesting.

Lets start with a task where I had to create a one-minute soundscape using originally captured sound. My first and the last choice of the piece to read was the part from Master and Margarita By Mikhail Bulgakov. This work can be found by clicking here.
• What – Task to create the soundscape where part of writing has been read while accompanied with foleys to make the audience “see” the image while only listening to audio. Done by solo.
• How // technical feats you accomplished, your workflow in specific detail, paperwork generated in completing the task  – during this task I increased my skills in Audition and foley’ creation.
• Why – tried not just to listen to the audio but also understand how to make it “visible”. Feedback will show have I succeeded in this or not. ‘Master and Margarita’ was my first and the last choice because I am fascinated by the depth of the book and complicity of the story line(s).
• Research – no specific research was done.
• Self Reflection – I can only add that I faced a huge lack of skills in managing audio and had to learn a lot and fast.

The second task I want to mention is the task where I had to create a One Minute ‘Long Portrait’ or ‘Cinemagraph’ short film. I approached this task in a completely experimental way. I was inspired to do it this way by an experimental film of one of our tutors. In this piece of art I wanted to show that  one of the meanings of “Humanity” should be “Unity”. You can see this project here.

Third thing that I want to show here is a task where I had to work in a group to make a cinematic response to the image that we were given with specific emphasis on the lighting in the original image. The image is:

No Country for Old Men.jpg The final cut here.

And the last, but not least was the task to make a remake of your own work – remake one of the previous projects. It is the soundscape. But unfortunately I had accidentally deleted the old version so the remake is the same as the original one.

This is blog post will be updated.

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